Monday, September 1, 2014

25 Questions Tag

I was bored so I decided to do another tag. Enjoy !

1. What is your middle name?: Carmen
2. What was favorite subject at school?: English 
3. What is your favorite drink?: Iced Tea
4. What is your favorite song at the moment?: Turn it Off - Paramore
5. What is your favorite food?: Mofongo or any kind of pasta
6. What is the last thing you bought?: Clothes for school
7. Favorite book of all time?: This is How You Lose Her - Junot Diaz
8. Favorite Color?: Green / Black
9. Do you have any pets?: A Bichon Frise named Fluffy :)
10.Favorite Perfume?: Love (pink) - Perry Ellis
11. Favorite Holiday?: Easter
12. Are you married?: Nope
13. Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: Yes, 5 times
14. Do you speak any other language?: Spanish
15. How many siblings do you have?: Two sisters
16. What is your favorite shop?: Old Navy, Target, JC Penny
17. Favorite restaurant?: La Cabaña in Queens
18. When was the last time you cried?: Probably two days ago (I cry almost every day tbh lmao)
19. Favorite Blog?: BeautyCrush and EssieButton
20. Favorite Movie?: The Titanic, 50 First Dates, The Last Song
21. Favorite TV show?: I don't really watch tv, but when I do, I just leave TLC on for hourssss. So I do watch Four Weddings, Say Yes to the Dress, 19 Kids & Counting, Cake Boss, Long Island Medium.
22. PC or Mac?: Mac but I own a PC lol
23. What phone do you have?: White iPhone 5
24. How tall are you?: 5ft 3
25. Can you cook?: Yes. I can cook Spanish/Dominican food with my eyes closed. But I do cook and bake a lot of things by following a recipe.

Well, that's that, lol. Thank you for reading.