Saturday, February 7, 2015

How To Stop Being Sad

You can probably go on Google, Pinterest, and Tumblr and look up tons of posts on how to make yourself feel better when you're down and to be honest, most of them aren't realistic. 
I get sad a lot... and I'm always finding new things to feel happy again.
When I'm sad, I don't want to go work out, eat healthy food, or sit around with my legs crossed surrounded by candles.
I'm going to tell you guys what I do to stop being sad (plus some corny tumblr gifs), and I hope they can help someone else out there.

1. Say F*ck It!
If you got your feelings hurt by a friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, or even a stranger, you just have to say f*ck it. F*ck you. F*ck her. F*ck him. F*ck them. F*ck it all. The best thing to do is remove the source of your sadness. If a person or thing is what's making you sad, let it go!

2. Treat Yo Self.
If scrambled eggs and bacon are your fave, then you make yourself a big ass plate of bacon and eggs and eat like you've never eaten before. If you like sitting in bed drowned in pillows and covers listening to sad songs then you do it. As long as you're going to be happy doing something, DO IT. Even if  putting some make up and taking bomb ass selfies is your pick-me-up (p.s. it's mine) you should do so if it makes you feel better. 

3. Change Your Mind Set.
Remember that you are a golden child and that no one can put you down. 
Everyone gets sad, and everyone gets over it, and hopefully you can too.

4. Remain Stress Free. 
Personally, having a lot of things to do stresses me out. I like to have a bunch of post-it notes, event planners and calendars full of things I need to do. So when I'm sad, organizing my life is one of the main things I do to feel better. Organizing anything in general makes me feel so in control of my life and it's a breath of fresh air to keep myself in check. Whatever eliminates your stress, do it, and make sure you have fun while doing so!

In the end, these are the things that I do to make myself feel better. You can alter my methods to your liking if you need to. But I feel that these are key things to make yourself feel better whether you had a bad day at school/work or if someone made you feel bad about yourself, etc..
I hope you all get more ideas and benefit from this post.
Thanks for reading!


  1. Hahahaha I love this post, these gifs are hilarious! Made my day :)

    xx | cleverspice
